The Effect of Organization Culture, Knowledge Sharing and Employee Engagement on Employee Work Innovation
The purpose of this research is to study the influence of the culture of the organization, knowledge sharing and employee engagement to the employee work innovation at health social security organizing body. This research was used in the study a method of of a quantitative approach to get the information the influence of a number of the independent variable to dependent variable obtained through the analysis techniques (the path of the analysis).
Percent of the population of this research are the whole of population at health social security organizing body at central office as many as 543 employees, use of slovin formula. So the large number of samples to be taken in this research was there were a total of 230 on permanent employee and which already will become nothing other than as an object represent a population that is in health social security organizing body the headquarters. This result from this research indicates that; 1) The organization culture a direct impact positive to the work employees innovation, 2 ) knowledge sharing a direct impact positive to the work employees innovation. 3) employee engagement a direct impact positive to the work employees innovation. 4) The organization culture a direct impact positive to the employee engagement. 5) Knowledge sharing a direct impact positive to the employee engagement. 6) The organization culture a direct impact positive to the knowledge sharing. As a result the increase of the work employees innovation could be achieved if there is a major impact of culture organization, knowledge sharing and employee engagement.
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