Role of Crop Modeling in scenario Development Analysis and Developing Strategic Recommendation: A Review


  • Tesfaye Wossen Dejenie University of Gondar College of Agriculture and Rural Transformation Department of Plant Sciences POBOx: 196 Gondar, Ethiopia, Ethiopia

The agricultural scientists and planners are facing formidable challenges to ensure continued increases in agricultural productivity to meet the food grain requirements of ever increasing population across the globe. Thus, the works on development and use of crop growth models to answer strategic and tactical questions concerning agricultural planning as well as on-farm soil and crop management are essential. Scenarios is a tool for evaluating decisions and testing policy options by indicating possible future situations which indicate the possible effects of decisions. Crop growth models are powerful tools in agricultural decision support at operational, strategic and exploratory levels. Models through the scenario analysis system plays an important role in the interface between farmers, researchers and advisors in participatory research approaches where as agricultural research, model development and testing, and application of mode-based decision support system can be mutually enhancing for better understanding and reaction future situations. This review paper is devoted to crop modeling and scenario development for planning and field level management options in crop production. This helps researchers to understand the role of crop modeling for scenario development to adjust and develop field level recommendation by considering future conditions and developing alternative strategic decisions to reduce the expected negative impact and maximize the benefit.