A Genes selected after application modified logistic regression in the microarrays gene expression for breast cancer.

Modified logistic regression, breast cancer subtypes, microarray, stabilizing term, αi∗ parameters, genes, suppressor, oncogenic, oncogene


Vol. 8 No. 12 (2020)
Biological Sciences
December 27, 2020


The modified logistic regression (Morais-rodrigues et al., 2020) was used to classify breast cancer subtypes using all microarray database samples. A stabilizing term, that allows the assignment of values to αi parameters, was inserted in this methodology and with that, during the derivation there is the insertion of the identity matrix (positive defined) which added to the other semi-defined part, results in a positive defined matrix, which has auto values > 0 and determinant > 0, square matrix is full rank if it is reversible (determinant > 0) , which results in a single solution. In the results it was observed that some genes were located topologically in the extremities after plotting the parameters αi, these parameters are related to the expression of genes with a suppressor or oncogenic profile  in breast cancer, and with genes not studied yet. Some of these genes were found in gene regulatory networks from the search of Iglesias-Martinez et al. (2016), and S-score values were associated with these genes, negative value S-score is indicative of tumor suppressing or reduced gene activity and the positive value S-score is indicative of oncogene or increased gene activity (de Souza et al., 2014). In view of the importance of these genes, this article provides a literary review of them.