Socio-Health Determinants of Occurrence of Postpartum Hemorrhage Among Women of Reproductive Age 15-49 Years - Kenya
Postpartum hemorrhage is the blood loss of 500 ml or more within 24 hours after birth. It is the number one direct cause of maternal mortality Worldwide and constitutes 73% of all the obstetric hemorrhage globally. In Low-income Countries such as Sub-Saharan Africa bears the greatest burden of postpartum hemorrhage. Thirty-four percent of maternal deaths occurring in Kenya are due to postpartum hemorrhage. In Homa Bay County, postpartum hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal mortality contributing 38% of all maternal deaths despite several strategies by the ministry of health to reduce occurrence. Previous studies attribute this to poor provision and utilization of essential health services. The possible contextual contribution of health system management on occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage has not been explored in the County. The objective of this study was to establish the socio-health determinants of occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage among women of reproductive age 15-49 years in Homa Bay County. The specific objectives were: to identify the socio-demographic determinants of occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage among women of reproductive age; and to determine the personal health determinants of occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage among women of reproductive age. This was a cross-sectional study design in which qualitative and quantitative methods were used. The target population was postnatal women who delivered at the level four public hospitals in Homa Bay County. The sample size was 400 postnatal women. Quantitative data was collected using a structured for socio-demographics determinants, and personal health determinants. Qualitative data was collected using Key Informant Interview guides administered to the eight Sub County Medical Officers of Health and the one County Gynecologist and was recorded. This data was managed thematically while quantitative data was cleaned manually and electronically. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for data processing and analysis. The first stage was processing and analysis involving computation of frequencies and percentages and generation of tables followed by the binary logistic regression for bivariate variables to determine the relationship, adjusted Odds Ratio to determine the degree of significance at a confidence interval of 95% and P-value for each category of the variables. Thematic approach guided the analysis of qualitative data. Socio-health determinants were found statistically significant with multiple logistic regression chi-square 62.08 (P-Value=0.01. The findings had constructing and reviewing programs for women of reproductive age focusing on start of ANC at 1st trimester, age at first both, and the general socio-demographic characteristics through strengthening of community health strategy to improve social and personal health characteristics.
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Baqui, A. H., Ahmed, S., El Arifeen, S., Darmstadt, G. L., Rosecrans, A. M., Mannan, I., . . . Seraji, H. R. (2009). Effect of timing of first postnatal care home visit on neonatal mortality in Bangladesh: an observational cohort study. BMJ, 339, b2826.
Beck, U., & Grande, E. (2010). Varieties of second modernity: The cosmopolitan turn in social and political theory and research. The British journal of sociology, 61(3), 409-443.
Bhutta, Z. A., Das, J. K., Bahl, R., Lawn, J. E., Salam, R. A., Paul, V. K., . . . Chou, V. B. (2014). Can available interventions end preventable deaths in mothers, newborn babies, and stillbirths, and at what cost? The Lancet, 384(9940), 347-370.
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Borghi, J., Ensor, T., Neupane, B. D., & Tiwari, S. (2006). Financial implications of skilled attendance at delivery in Nepal. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 11(2), 228-237.
Brenner, S., De Allegri, M., Gabrysch, S., Chinkhumba, J., Sarker, M., & Muula, A. S. (2015). The quality of clinical maternal and neonatal healthcare–a strategy for identifying ‘routine care signal functions’. PloS one, 10(4), e0123968.
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Dolan, G., Ter Kuile, F. O., Jacoutot, V., White, N., Luxemburger, C., Malankirii, L., . . . Nosten, F. (1993). Bed nets for the prevention of malaria and anemia in pregnancy. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 87(6), 620-626.
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Duke, T., Yano, E., Hutchinson, A., Hwaihwanje, I., Aipit, J., Tovilu, M., . . . Lagani, W. (2016). Large-scale data reporting of paediatric morbidity and mortality in developing countries: it can be done. Archives of disease in childhood, 101(4), 392-397.
Eleje, G. U., Ezugwu, E. C., Eke, A. C., Eleje, L. I., Ikechebelu, J. I., Afiadigwe, E. A., . . . Ezeama, C. O. (2016). Diagnostic performance of the placental alpha-microglobulin-1 test in women with prolonged pre-labour rupture of membranes. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 29(8), 1291-1296.
Ergo, A., Eichler, R., Koblinsky, M., & Shah, N. (2011). Strengthening health systems to improve maternal, neonatal and child health outcomes: a framework. Washington, DC: US Agency for Development, Maternal, and Child Health Integrated Program.
Ezegwui, H., Onoh, R. C., Ikeako, L., Onyebuchi, A., Umeorah, J., Ezeonu, P., & Ibekwe, P. (2013). Investigating maternal mortality in a public teaching hospital, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Annals of medical and health sciences research, 3(1), 75-80.
Felarmine, M., Joachim, O., & Agina, O. (2016). Facility factors influencing utilization of active management of the third stage of labour among skilled birth attendants in Kiambu county, Kenya. The Pan African medical journal, 25(Suppl 2).
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Kagema, F., Ricca, J., Rawlins, B., Rosen, H., Mukhwana, W., Lynam, P., . . . Miheso, A. (2011). Quality of care for prevention and management of common maternal and newborn complications: findings from a National Health Facility Survey in Kenya—are services provided according to international standards. Baltimore: Jhpiego.
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Nadisauskiene, R. J., Kliucinskas, M., Dobozinskas, P., & Kacerauskiene, J. (2014). The impact of postpartum haemorrhage management guidelines implemented in clinical practice: a systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 178, 21-26.
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Hesse-Biber, S. (2012). Feminist approaches to triangulation: Uncovering subjugated knowledge and fostering social change in mixed methods research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 6(2), 137-146.
Kagema, F., Ricca, J., Rawlins, B., Rosen, H., Mukhwana, W., Lynam, P., . . . Miheso, A. (2011). Quality of care for prevention and management of common maternal and newborn complications: findings from a National Health Facility Survey in Kenya—are services provided according to international standards. Baltimore: Jhpiego.
Kane, C. (1992). CL Kane and MPA Fisher, Phys. Rev. B 46, 15233 (1992). Phys. Rev. B, 46, 15233.
KDHS. (2015). 2014 KDHS key findings.
Kinuthia, K., Stephenson, M., & Maogoto, E. (2019). Management of postpartum hemorrhage in a rural hospital in Kenya: a best practice implementation project. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports.
Kitui, J., Lewis, S., & Davey, G. (2013). Factors influencing place of delivery for women in Kenya: an analysis of the Kenya demographic and health survey, 2008/2009. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 13(1), 40.
Kiwuwa, M. S., & Mufubenga, P. (2008). Use of antenatal care, maternity services, intermittent presumptive treatment and insecticide treated bed nets by pregnant women in Luwero district, Uganda. Malaria Journal, 7(1), 44.
Kosińska-Kaczyńska, K., Szymusik, I., Bomba-Opoń, D., Olejek, A., Sławska, H., Zimmer, M., . . . Seremak-Mrozikiewicz, A. (2016). Perinatal outcome according to chorionicity in twins—a Polish multicenter study. Ginekologia polska, 87(5), 384-389.
Kumar, R., Subiah, N., Sharma, R., Gupta, S. S., Koul, P., & Gupta, R. (2018). Block-4 Newborn and Child Health Care. In: IGNOU.
Kwast, B. E. (1991). Postpartum haemorrhage: its contribution to maternal mortality. Midwifery, 7(2), 64-70.
Lakeman, R. (2009). Suicide, Ethics and Service-user Participation in Mental Health: A Portfolio of Related Papers. James Cook University,
Mahara, G., Barr, J., Thomas, J., Wang, W., & Guo, X. (2016). Maternal health and its affecting factors in Nepal. Family Medicine and Community Health, 4(3), 30-34.
Maswime, S., & Buchmann, E. (2017). A systematic review of maternal near miss and mortality due to postpartum hemorrhage. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 137(1), 1-7.
Montgomery, A. (2014). Pregnancy-related Deaths in India: Causes of Death and the Use of Health Services. Mousa, H. A., Blum, J., Abou El Senoun, G., Shakur, H., & Alfirevic, Z. (2014). Treatment for primary postpartum haemorrhage. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2(2), CD003249.
Mvundura, M., Kokonya, D., Abu‐Haydar, E., Okoth, E., Herrick, T., Mukabi, J., . . . Burke, T. (2017). Cost‐effectiveness of condom uterine balloon tamponade to control severe postpartum hemorrhage in Kenya. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 137(2), 185-191.
Nadisauskiene, R. J., Kliucinskas, M., Dobozinskas, P., & Kacerauskiene, J. (2014). The impact of postpartum haemorrhage management guidelines implemented in clinical practice: a systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 178, 21-26.
NASCOP. (2016). Guidelines on Use of Antiretroviral Drugs for Treating and Preventing HIV Infection in Kenya.
NCAPD. (2010). Rapid assessment of partograph utilisation in selected maternity units in Kenya. East African medical journal, 87(6), 235-241.
Njuguna, J., Kamau, N., & Muruka, C. (2017). Impact of free delivery policy on utilization of maternal health services in county referral hospitals in Kenya. BMC health services research, 17(1), 429.
Ochako, R., Fotso, J.-C., Ikamari, L., & Khasakhala, A. (2011). Utilization of maternal health services among young women in Kenya: insights from the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, 2003. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 11(1), 1.
Ogan, C., Karakuş, T., & Kurşun, E. (2013). Methodological issues in a survey of children's online risk-taking and other behaviours in Europe. Journal of Children and Media, 7(1), 133-150.
Organization, W. H., & Unicef. (2012). Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2010: WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, and The World Bank estimates.
Patil, A. V., Somasundaram, K., & Goyal, R. (2002). Current health scenario in rural India. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 10(2), 129-135.
Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2008). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Prata, N., Bell, S., & Weidert, K. (2013). Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in low-resource settings: current perspectives. International journal of women's health, 5, 737.
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