Impact socio-économique des collèges de proximité sur les populations paysannes : Cas des personnes impactées du village de Tiéplé de la région du Gbêkê bénéficiaire du projet du millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC)


Vol. 10 No. 01 (2022)
Social Sciences and Humanities
January 26, 2022


This study was conducted in the village of Tiéplé in the sub-prefecture of Bouaké. It was carried out through questionnaires and interviews with the farmers who use the construction site of the community college, village authorities and neutral persons. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of the construction of the college on the peasant population. According to the data from the study, the school is highly desirable because it brings parents and children closer together, promotes child monitoring, and thus reduces early pregnancies, school failure, and the expenses of parents. On the other hand, the construction of the college leads to the destruction of agricultural crops (perennial and food crops) of a surface of 4 ha. This fact reinforces the vulnerability of farmers who have difficulty accessing arable land.