Influence of Professional Commitment and Organizational Climate on the Work Engagement of Employees in the Department of Education
The main purpose of this study was to determine whether work engagement mediates the relationship between professional commitment and organizational climate. The study employed a quantitative, non-experimental design using a correlational technique. The respondents were the public school non-teaching personnel of the Davao de Oro Division. Mean, Pearson-r, and Regression Analysis were used to determine the study's findings. Moreover, adapted survey questionnaires were used for professional commitment, organizational climate, and work engagement. Results revealed that the level of professional commitment is very high, the level of organizational climate is very high, and the level of work engagement among non-teaching personnel is very high. Further, there were significant relationships between professional commitment and work engagement and between organizational climate and work engagement. In its singular capacity, among professional commitment and organizational climate, organizational climate best influences the work engagement having the highest beta coefficient. However, professional commitment can also influence the working competence but with the support of other variables.
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