Meaning of Various Social Values and Aspects in Rituals Reject the Malay Claim, Serdang, North Sumatera.
This study examines the meaning of social values and aspects in the ritual of rejecting reinforcements from the Serdang Malays, which contain many values of life as well as perspectives and principles of life that are still maintained by the Serdang Malay tribal community. Values are traits or things that are important and beneficial to humans, or something that perfects humans according to their nature. Values can also be translated as social media or social media that are considered appropriate and useful to achieve. In the field of sociology, the existence of values is very important, values and aspects that influence humans in determining their choice among existing alternatives. Likewise with the values and aspects contained in the ritual of rejecting reinforcements in the Malay community of Serdang, North Sumatra Province, not only as a racial tradition. ethnic Malays from the past generation, but also have very useful aspects such as social values, psychological and pedagogical values, religious values, intellectual values and intelligence. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with the techniques of observation, in-depth interviews and literacy studies. As for what makes the Malay community of Serdang still maintain the ritual of rejecting reinforcements because it is still considered to have a role and function as well as life values that are still relevant and dynamic which until now continue to be continued and remain as a reference. Of course, these values and aspects have advantages and disadvantages to be applied. Values and aspects that have weaknesses need to find new solutions and creativity in dealing with these matters. Values and aspects that have advantages need to be maintained and preserved.
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