The Influence of Locus of Control and Self-Efficacy on the Performance of Civil Servants Through Job Satisfaction in the Detachment Work Unit of the Navy Staff and Command School Detachment (DENMA SESKOAL)
This study aims to: 1) test and analyze the locus of control effect on job satisfaction of Civil Servants Denma Seskoal, 2) test and analyze the self-efficacy effect on job satisfaction of Civil Servants Denma Seskoal, 3) test and analyze the locus of control effect on Civil Servants Denma Seskoal, 4) test and analyze self-efficacy affect the performance of Civil Servants Denma Seskoal, 5) test and analyze job satisfaction affect the performance of Civil Servants Denma Seskoal, 6) test and analyze locus of control effect on performance through job satisfaction Civil Servants Denma Seskoal, 7) test and analyze self-efficacy effect on performance through job satisfaction Civil Servants Denma Seskoal.
The results of the study show that: 1) Locus of Control has a significant effect on the job satisfaction of Denma Seskoal Civil Servants. 2) Self-efficacy has a significant effect on the job satisfaction of Denma Seskoal Civil Servants. 3) Locus of Control has a significant effect on the performance of Denma Seskoal Civil Servants. 4) Self-efficacy has a significant effect on the performance of Denma Seskoal Civil Servants. 5) Job satisfaction has a significant effect on the performance of Denma Seskoal Civil Servants. 6) Testing the sixth hypothesis that Locus of Control has no significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction of Civil Servants Denma Seskoal 7) Testing the seventh hypothesis that self-efficacy has no significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction of Civil Servants Denma Seskoa. The variable of job satisfaction is not able to be an intermediary variable between the influence of Locus of Control and self-efficacy on the performance of Denma Seskoal Civil Servants.
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