Dynamic Power Consumption in Base Transceiver Station in Urban and Rural Setting in Awka, Nigeria using Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Technique
The goal of this paper was to lower base transceiver station (BTS) dynamic power consumption. A multi-attribute decision-making technique was implemented that reflects the stochastic nature of cellular networks and guarantees cost-effective traffic generation and improved BTS power consumption performance. Every related candidate or attribute that is taken into consideration to help reduce power consumption is given a utility function, and the candidate with the highest utility value is chosen to meet the target. The Utility function that the Technique selects is the weighted sum of the normalized attributes. In contrast to the works of other authors, which lowered consumption by 20%, the developed dynamic power consumption model cut consumption to 25.14 percent. The two BTS of interest were measured, and the results showed that Mgbakwu BTS has two Peak (Busy) Hour periods: in the morning, 9.55Erlangs from 7.30am to 8.30am, and in the evening, 10.7Erlangs from 8.30pm to 9.30pm. The BTS is located in a rural/residential area. The BTS measurement and analysis for the UNIZIK temporary site revealed that it is located in a commercial/business setting with a morning peak (busy) hour period of 19.1 Erlangs between 10 and 11 a.m. 14.6 Erlangs is the afternoon peak hour, which runs from 3.30 to 4.30 p.m. The traffic generated in the BTS under various load situations is reflected in the relevant Power Consumption for both BTS.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Okafor C.S., Okorogu, V.N.

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