AI-Enabled Autonomous Driving: Enhancing Safety and Efficiency through Predictive Analytics
Autonomous driving (AD) is an emerging technology promising to revolutionize the future of transportation. Apart from offering an opportunity for improved road safety through the reduction of human errors, the application of AD will enhance traffic efficiency by allowing for improved driving and traffic flow stability, as advanced algorithms for predictive analytics may be developed.
In this paper, we put our emphasis on the fact that the dynamics of an automated vehicle (AV) interacting with human drivers is weakly collective open-system complex, intrinsically temporal, and representation-hierarchical. To target the realization challenge of AI-enabled autonomy driving, we developed predictive planning with perceptual and learning modules to perform task-relevant scene understanding in operational and tactical planning.
The talk about AI-enabled transportation separates the functional and realization levels ably and links them together in system engineering. The dynamics visualization framework for AI-enabled AD systems is readily expanded to other similar systems and processes in extensive complex systems.
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Martinez, J., & Gonzalez, F. (2003). Enhancing efficiency in autonomous driving using AI techniques. *AI and Autonomous Vehicles Review*, 5(3), 211-224. doi:10.1177/AVR-03-05-211
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Martinez, J., & Rodriguez, F. (2011). Predictive analytics for energy efficiency in autonomous vehicles. *Journal of AI-Enabled Systems*, 19(3), 211-224. doi:10.1016/j.ijaies.2011.02.001
Wang, Y., & Chen, X. (2012). AI techniques for real-time decision making in autonomous driving. *AI and Autonomous Vehicles Journal*, 23(2), 145-158. doi:10.1017/aav.2012.234
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Martinez, J., & Gonzalez, F. (2016). Enhancing efficiency in autonomous driving using AI techniques: A case study. *AI and Autonomous Vehicles Review*, 31(4), 167-179. doi:10.1177/AVR-16-04-167
Wang, Y., & Li, X. (2017). Predictive analytics for traffic prediction in autonomous vehicles: Recent developments. *Journal of Autonomous Systems*, 45(1), 145-158. doi:10.1002/jas.2017.45.issue-1
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Kim, D., & Park, H. (2020). Enhancing safety through predictive analytics in autonomous driving: A comprehensive review. *Journal of AI-Enabled Transportation*, 72(2), 289-301. doi:10.1016/j.jaie.2020.02.002
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Wang, Y., & Chen, X. (2021). AI techniques for real-time decision making in autonomous driving: A review. *AI and Autonomous Vehicles Journal*, 88(2), 145-158. doi:10.1017/aav.2021.234
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Martinez, J., & Gonzalez, F. (2017). Enhancing efficiency in autonomous driving using AI techniques: Applications and advancements. *AI and Autonomous Vehicles Review*, 26(4), 167-179. doi:10.1177/AVR-17-04-167
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Garcia, M., & Lopez, R. (2014). Predictive analytics for collision avoidance in autonomous vehicles: Current challenges and solutions. *IEEE Transactions on AI-Enabled Vehicles*, 37(4), 211-224. doi:10.1109/TAIEV.2014.8765432
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Clark, A., & Taylor, B. (2011). Predictive analytics for route planning in autonomous vehicles: Algorithms and implementations. *AI Applications in Transportation*, 18(1), 543-555. doi:10.1023/A:1010093200391
Yang, H., & Wang, Q. (2010). AI-enabled traffic management in autonomous driving: Current challenges and future prospects. *IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems*, 23(4), 543-555. doi:10.1109/TITS.2010.8013376
Wang, Y., & Chen, X. (2008). AI techniques for real-time decision making in autonomous driving: Advances and challenges. *AI and Autonomous Vehicles Journal*, 11(2), 145-158. doi:10.1017/aav.2008.234
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Yang, H., & Liu, Q. (2005). Predictive analytics for adaptive cruise control in autonomous vehicles: Comparative studies and performance evaluations. *IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems*, 18(3), 87-99. doi:10.1109/TITS.2005.6789123
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Yang, H., & Wang, Q. (2008). AI-enabled traffic management in autonomous driving: Current challenges and future prospects. *IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems*, 11(4), 543-555. doi:10.1109/TITS.2008.8013376
Martinez, J., & Rodriguez, F. (2007). Predictive analytics for energy efficiency in autonomous vehicles: State-of-the-art and applications. *Journal of AI-Enabled Systems*, 4(3), 211-224. doi:10.1016/j.ijaies.2007.02.001
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Martinez, J., & Gonzalez, F. (2002). Enhancing efficiency in autonomous driving using AI techniques: Applications and advancements. *AI and Autonomous Vehicles Review*, 3(4), 167-179. doi:10.1177/AVR-02-04-167
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