Total Quality Management and Employee Performance among Motorcycle Dealers: Basis for TQM Initiatives
Total Quality Management is an organizational technique for continuous improvement that would improve and augment employee performance. The study explores the relationship between total quality management and employee performance. This paper helps fill a gap in the literature by measuring total quality management implementation and employee performance among motorcycle dealers. The study's dependent variable is employee performance with two sub-variables: task performance and contextual performance. While the independent variable is total quality management using ISO 9001:2015 standards, namely, customer focus, leadership, engagement of people, process approach, evidence-based decision making, continual improvement, and relationship management. The study utilized quantitative and descriptive research design. The study took 145 participants using a simple random sampling method. The study results have shown that the seven TQM elements significantly influence employee performance measures. The findings imply that total quality management plays a vital role in the performance and success of an organization. Hence, motorcycle dealers should continue implementing total quality management with all variables to improve performance. Motorcycle dealers should improve employees' involvement, commitment, and awareness of TQM, enhance the organizational structure, and provide resources to overcome the barriers that prevent effective implementation of TQM.
Keywords: Total Quality Management, Employee Performance, Motorcycle Dealers
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