Mitigation of Short-Term Climate Risks and Uncertainties through Insurance and Self-Protection: Theory and Application
This paper investigates the interplay between short-term insurance and self-protection strategies in mitigating weather-related risks and uncertainties amidst rising global temperatures. We explore the decision-making process behind these strategies, focus- ing on whether the choice between insurance and self-protection depends on the type of stochastic loss encountered, distinguishing between risk and uncertainty.
Existing research highlights the context-specific nature of the relationship be- tween insurance and self-protection. While a significant portion of the literature has concentrated on understanding long-term dynamics, the sudden occurrence of weather-related events requires a closer examination of short-term decision-making processes. This paper contributes by providing a theoretical framework for analyzing how weather stochastics influence producers’ decisions regarding insurance and self- protection in the short term.
Simulation outcomes reveal distinct responses of farmers to risk and uncertainty. Under risk, farmers without irrigation systems tend to increase their reliance on crop insurance as precipitation risks heighten, while those with irrigation systems adopt a nuanced approach, adjusting their insurance purchases based on the severity of precip- itation risks. This suggests that irrigation serves as both a substitute and complement to crop insurance, depending on the level of risk. Conversely, under uncertainty, farm- ers exhibit a general trend of decreased crop insurance purchases regardless of their self-protection measures. Addressing uncertainty within agricultural loss mitigation frameworks is crucial for safeguarding against potential food insecurity and increasing investment to mitigate climate-related disasters.
Policy implications underscore the need to consider producers’ level self-protection and the type of stochastics faced in climate policy design. Additionally, reducing un- certainty in weather forecasts is imperative to mitigate farmers’ vulnerability and promote agricultural resilience.
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