Research on Factors Affecting the E-Entrepreneuship Intention of Generation Z in Vietnam
To investigate the factors influencing the entrepreneurship intention of generation Z youths in Vietnam, the research team utilized a quantitative research method which base on data from a survey of 353 Vietnamese youths, of which 311 were either currently involved in entrepreneurship, preparing for entrepreneurship, or intending to engage in entrepreneurship. Using the SMARTPLS software, the study found that, with a confidence level of 95%, “Perceived behavioral control” (PBC) had the strongest impact on the e-entrepreneurship intention of Vietnamese generationZ, with an influence level of 0.439. Following this, the “Social influence” (SIN) factor demonstrated a significant impact of 0.224. At a confidence level of 90%, the “Expectation of success” (EXSU) factor showed an influence of 0.126, while the “Attitude towards E- entrepreneurship” (ATTE) factor exhibited an influence of 0.089. Additionally, the “Entrepreneurship education” (EDED) and “Entrepreneurship competence” (ENTC) factors did not yield statistically significant results regarding their influence on the dependent variable, “E-entrepreneurship iIntention of Vietnamese generation Z” (EEINT). Based on research results, the research team proposed discussions aimed at promoting and supporting youths to enhance the effectiveness of their electronic entrepreneurship projects
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