Effects of passion fruit peel powder concentration and baking temperature on the physicochemical, antioxidant, and sensory characteristics of the made biscuits
Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) which belongs to the family Passifloraceae, is an attractive high-value crop. Among varieties of tropical fruit, purple passion fruit peel has been increasingly paid attention to the basis of the nutritional aspects as they are excellent sources of powerful natural antioxidants that provide various health-beneficial effects. Then consequently, a successful combination of Passion fruit peel flour with wheat flour for biscuits production would be nutritionally advantageous. In this study, purple passion fruit peel was incorporated with wheat flour in ratios of 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%. The physicochemical analysis and sensory evaluation were conducted to know the acceptability of developed biscuits. Based on nutritional value, biscuits containing 15% passion fruit peel flour had significantly higher ash, fiber, amount of antioxidant, and total phenolic content than those in the control samples. As a result, baking always resulted in a general decrease in TPC, even at 160 °C, and the loss of antioxidant activity of Passion fruit peel flour during bread baking was avoided by heating at high temperatures. Besides, 5% and 10% passion fruit peel flour-biscuits also predominated the most in sensorial acceptability. The collected results of this study witnessed an improvement in terms of nutritional value, health benefits, and a high potential of being accepted by consumers of developed biscuits.
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