Strategy to Optimize Quality Culture to Increase Lecturer's Commitment to Implementing Three Pillars in Higher Education
Quality lecturers have a very strategic role in determining the quality of higher education (HE). Lecturers have the duties and responsibilities of carrying out three pillars in HE, namely education, research and service and community service in accordance with the demands of lecturer workload and developing a culture of quality. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The research was conducted at the Indonesian Christian University. The population was all lecturers and a sample of 104 people using sampling techniques. Data collection techniques using questionnaires using the Likert model and two expert opinions. Data analysis used descriptive and inferential with useed of SPSS 26 and SITOREM (Scientific Identification Theory to Conduct Operation Research in Education Management). The research results findings: (a) lecturers' perceptions of lecturers' commitment to implementing good three pillars of HE; (b) lecturers' perceptions of quality culture are very good, (c) the relationship between lecturers' commitment to quality culture is moderate but positive and significant; (d) strategies to improve the culture of quality in HE include leaders becoming role models, lecturers adhering to their main duties and responsibilities, lecturers having a growth mindset and being agile in changing, lecturers being active in activities outside campus such as taking part in conferences, being resource persons.
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