Democratic Values in Education: A Study of Islamic Religious Higher Education in Indonesia
The reform era followed by the era of globalization and digitalization can affect the values of democracy in education, so special treatment is needed so that the values of democratization in education can be in line with the nation's ideals. The Independent Learning Curriculum is an innovation by the government to respond to challenges, adjust to the times, and implement democratic values effectively. The theoretical basis is used as a guide so that the research focuses on the facts in the field. Apart from that, the theoretical basis is also helpful in providing a general overview of the setting research and as material for discussing research results. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The library research method is used for data collection techniques. The research results show that the democratic values implemented in higher education continue to be carried out by improving various academic and non-academic activities to improve the quality of learning. Democratic values are not only implemented in curriculum innovation. Still, they are also implemented in student organizational structures and learning processes so that applicable legal regulations can run the implementation of democracy and the direction of education.
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