Strategic Management Practices on Revenue Growth of Selected Lake Region Economic Bloc Counties in Kenya
The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of strategic management practices on revenue growth of Selected Lake Region economic bloc counties in Kenya. Specific objectives were; to evaluate the effects of fraud control strategy; and to assess the effects of monitoring and tracking strategy on revenue growth in county governments in Kenya. The target population for the study was 331 employees involved in revenue collection. A stratified sampling technique was used to identify a sample size of 259 respondents. Primary data was collected using closed ended structured questionnaire. Collected data was edited and coded then analyzed using descriptive statistic methods; means, percentages and standard deviations. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to establish the strength of relationship while simple linear regression was used to establish the effect of independent variable on the dependent variable and data was presented in tables and figures. From the findings the study made the following conclusions; employees were trained on how to detect system fraudsters and performance targets were being monitored and tracked on a daily basis. Correlation analysis concluded that fraud control had a positive and significant relationship with monitoring and tracking and revenue growth. Regression analysis concluded that an increase in one unit of fraud controlled to a decrease in revenue growth and the effect was statistically significant. An increase in one unit of monitoring and tracking led increase in revenue growth and the effects was found to be statistically significant. The study recommended that revenue targets to be set in a way that they can be monitored and tracked easily in the system also the study recommended that hiring and transfers should be done based on merits.
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