Factors Influence on Customer Purchase Decisions Through Customer Engagement
The research aims to analyze the influence of location, store atmosphere and product variety on customer purchase decisions through customer engagement. Focus on restaurant selection in XYZ Mall. Primary data was obtained from a questionnaire of 150 respondents by accidental sampling by considering factors such as having visited the mall 1-2 times and more than 3 times in one month and making purchases at restaurants inside XYZ Mall. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Smart PLS tools. The results of this study show that there is a direct influence between the restaurant atmosphere, product variety on customer engagement, location and customer engagement on customer purchase decisions and the indirect influence of restaurant atmosphere, product variety on customer purchase decisions through customer engagement. The hypothesis that is not accepted is the influence of location, on customer engagement, restaurant atmosphere and product variety on customer purchase decisions and location on customer purchase decisions through customer engagement. The implications of this research can contribute understanding the specific relationship between location, restaurant atmosphere, product variety, customer engagement and customer purchase decisions in the context of choosing a restaurant in XYZ Mall.
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