Legal Protection of Long Term Investments in the Field of Palm Oil Plantation Management in Indonesia
The development of plantation businesses in Indonesia continues to proliferate; the oil palm agriculture sector strongly influences society's economic conditions. However, along the way, investment in palm oil plantations is still faced with regulatory and legal issues. This research aims to analyze the legal protection of long-term investment in the management of oil palm plantations. This research uses qualitative analysis with a literature study approach. Research data uses literature reviews and official government documents such as laws and policies. This research found that regulations influence long-term palm oil investment, providing confidence for investors. Ambiguous regulations regarding palm oil investment will reduce the amount of investment in the palm oil plantation sector. In conclusion, long-term investment regulations and policies in palm oil management in Indonesia still need improvement. Synchronization across institutions with an interest in the plantation sector is critical. Making investment easier while still maintaining environmental sustainability is very necessary. This research contributes to the urgency of comprehensive policies and regulations for legal protection in long-term palm oil investment management in Indonesia.
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