Journalists: Protection Versus Violence
This journal aims to examine the journalist profession in carrying out their duties through the activities of seeking, obtaining, possessing, storing, processing and conveying information to the public. The guarantee is a constitutional right implemented in Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press. The implementation is concretized with the threat of criminal acts for anyone who commits acts of obstructing the duties of journalists. The form of threat is a form of protection for the journalist profession in carrying out the task of covering the news, but in its implementation, what happens is the opposite, journalists are treated with violent acts. As a result, the freedom to convey correct information is a threat. On that basis, acts of violence are acts that cannot be tolerated and concrete law enforcement measures must be taken through preventive and repressive measures by prioritizing coordination and communication between the police and journalist organizations in order to create legal protection for journalists while still upholding journalistic duties that are not as free as possible, but free and responsible.
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