Enhancing Gen Z’s Performance: The Role of OCB, Tat Twam Asi Concept, and QWL

Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Tat Twam Asi, Quality of Work Life, Generation Z


Vol. 12 No. 08 (2024)
Economics and Management
August 25, 2024


The aim of this research is to determine the role of organizational citizenship behavior, tat twam asi concept, and quality of work life for enchancing gen z performance. This research is included in qualitative research. As time goes by, misunderstandings and discrepancies often occur in communication between individuals in the workplace, both between colleagues and with leaders. This is caused by differences in character and mindset, especially in the context of generational differences. Generation Z, who tend to be more accustomed to digital communication, often faces difficulties in communicating with older generations who prefer traditional communication methods. This phenomenon also occurs in large companies, where generation Z employees often experience communication problems with their superiors and co-workers. Therefore, the idea of Tat Twam Asi (I and You are One), this concept originated from Hindu religion philosophy and the Upanishads has proven to be very effective in improving employee relations and fostering dedication to the organization. This study shows that the application of the Tat Twam Asi concept can foster skills development and training, job satisfaction especially those from the generation Z demographic,  time flexibility with a comfortable work environment, and apply human values that create Organizational Citizenship Behavior so as to realize quality of work life.