Advanced Decision- Making Framework for Sustainable Energy Retrofit of Existing Commercial Office Buildings
In the background of rising global initiatives to combat climate change and promote better energy management, retrofitting of current structures has become a major strategy. This abstract and literature review aims at presenting a full review of a decision-making approach that can be used in choosing sustainable options for energy retrofitting. This particular framework is designed to help guide retrofit decision-making due to the many issues that surround the process by providing an economic as well as an environmental and social context. Energy retrofitting means improving the existing structure or complex to decrease its energy intensity and have a negative impact on the environment. As stated earlier, it is a critical process for attaining sustainability goals and advancing the performance of buildings. But the decision on which retrofit measures should be implemented can be rather difficult because of the availability of a vast number of technologies and because more factors must be considered, such as cost and energy savings.
The decision-making framework provided in this article aims at categorizing retrofit selection into this list of features and views the current article as a way of making the process more efficient. It encompasses the life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA), the economic valuation, and the multi-criteria decision analysis tools and criteria. These tools facilitate the evaluation of financial viability, the advantages of climatically retrofitting, and the environmental effects of distinct retrofitting choices. The above-mentioned framework is exemplified with a case study of an office building retrofit project. The following case includes an example of the application of the mentioned framework and illustrates the explanation of how it helps to make decisions. Due to the consideration of costs, energy, and environmental performance, the framework enables the stakeholders to choose appropriate retrofit measures.
Other than the case study, the framework also focuses on the need to establish a sustainable energy retrofit DSS. Thus, the DSS supplements collected data on building performance, retrofit technologies, and economic aspects, which can be accessed by the stakeholders in real-time and with built-in facilities for scenario analysis. This system improves decision-making since retrofit results can be monitored and evaluated frequently. Both tools and strategies for the decision-making of sustainable energy retrofits bring a logical and systematic approach aimed at neutralizing the decision-making challenges related to retrofit selection. By applying economic, environmental, and social factors in the decision-making process, the framework assists the stakeholders in reaching energy efficiency and sustainability goals. The development of another strong decision-support system also improves the working of the framework and checks that retrofit projects are done efficiently and are strategic to the general goal of sustainable development.
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