Analysis of the Degree of Soil Contamination by Metallic Trace Elements Used During the Establishment of an Industrial Company in the Fields of Electricity, Electronics, and Automotive Mechanics: Study of the Kachoma District in the City of Kipushi/Haut-Katanga (DR Congo)

Kachoma, Metallic trace elements, Pollution Index, Soil


  • Mwila Sompwe Jacques Higher Institute of Pedagogy and Technology ISPT-LIKASI. LIKASI, DRC Department of Electrical Engineering, Congo
  • Tabu Kiwele Patrice Higher Institute of Pedagogy and Technology ISPT-LIKASI. LIKASI, DRC Department of Electrical Engineering, Congo
  • Mututa Ilunga Peguy Higher Institute of Pedagogy and Technology ISPT-LIKASI. LIKASI, DRC Department of Electrical Engineering, Congo
  • Mahongo Kalumbu Immaculee Higher Institute of Pedagogy and Technology ISPT-LIKASI. LIKASI, DRC Department of Electrical Engineering, Congo
  • Musale Muyabala Ephraime Higher Institute of Pedagogy and Technology ISPT-LIKASI. LIKASI, DRC Department of Electrical Engineering, Congo
  • Mwewa Ndimina Anicet Higher Institute of Pedagogy and Technology ISPT-LIKASI. LIKASI, DRC Department of Electrical Engineering, Congo
Vol. 12 No. 12 (2024)
Engineering and Computer Science
December 31, 2024


The objective of this research was to assess the level of soil pollution in the Kachoma district located around the former discharge basin (dike 1) of the Générale desquarries et des mines/Kipushi (Gécamines/Kipushi). The samples were taken from two sites (OUA 1 and the cell five years) using a manual auger at a depth of 20 cm to 40 cm and packaged in a plastic bag before being analyzed in the laboratory. The Cu, Co, Ni, Pb, and Zn content was determined by an Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) spectrometer. The results showed that the soils sampled in the two cells were largely polluted by Cu, Zn, Pb, Mn, and Co. It is, therefore, imperative to see how to remedy the soil pollution of the Kachoma district.