Environmental Fate and Transport of Cadmium in Soils and Groundwater: Influence of pH, Redox Conditions, and Organic Matter on Mobility and Bioavailability

Cadmium, Soil Contamination, Groundwater, Bioavailability, Mobility, Redox Conditions, Organic Matter, Remediation, Environmental Fate, Heavy Metals


  • Ahmed Dashtey Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Florida International University, USA, United States
Vol. 13 No. 02 (2025)
Chemistry and Environmental Engineering
February 7, 2025


Cadmium (Cd), a highly poisonous heavy metal, threatens the environment and human health because it is found almost everywhere in soils and groundwater. This paper examines the environmental fate and transport of cadmium, as well as its mobility and bioavailability for possible effects on both ecosystems and people. The important factors that control cadmium behavior, such as soil pH, redox state and organic matter, are elucidated. Movement of cadmium in the soil and water is primarily by adsorption-desorption and leaching processes. This says something about the present remediation technologies for the treatment of cadmium-affected sites as well as some key issues related to the environmental management of cadmium contamination. The findings point out that the interaction of environmental and chemical factors is crucial in developing effective management and remediation approaches against cadmium impact on soil and water quality.