Utilizing Social Media Analytics to Detect Trends in Saudi Arabia’s Evolving Market
Saudi Arabia' faced a swift economic growth and societal transformation under Vision 2030. This offers a unique opportunity to track emerging trends in the region, which will ultimately pave the way for new business and investment possibilities. This paper explores how AI and social media analytics can identify and track trends across sectors such as construction, food and beverage, tourism, technology, and entertainment thereby helping the businesses make informed decisions. By leveraging a tailored AI-driven methodology, we analyzed millions of social media posts each month, classifying discussions and calculating scores to track the trends. The approach not only uncovered the emerging trends but also shows diminishing trends. Our methodology is able to predict the emergence and growth of trends by utilizing social media data. This approach has potential for adaptation in other regions. Ultimately, our findings highlight how ongoing, AI-powered trend analysis can enable more effective, data-informed business and development strategies in an increasingly dynamic environment.
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