How Intervention of Self-Assessment on Self-Regulated Learning and Problem-solving Skills in Mathematics? A Systematic Literature Review
This study aims to explore the impact of self-assessment on problem-solving skills in mathematics and self-regulated learning and identify self-assessment interventions in mathematics learning. This study used a systematic literature review conducted on studies from 2015 to 2024 using databases such as ERIC, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar. Articles were categorized based on the quartile ranking of the journal according to the Scopus index. The categories include Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4, which indicate decreasing quality. Ten empirical studies that met the criteria were reviewed and analyzed. The studies reviewed involved samples at various levels of education, with a focus on interventions that link self-assessment to self-regulated learning and problem-solving in mathematics. This research shows that self-assessment can improve students' mathematics problem-solving and self-regulated learning. Self-assessment helps students identify strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and adjust learning strategies. Interventions such as presenting assessment rubrics and constructive feedback proved effective in supporting self-regulated learning and problem-solving skills. The success of the interventions was influenced by teacher support, the use of appropriate instruments, and a structured approach to learning. However, the specific mechanism that links self-assessment with self-regulated learning and problem-solving needs further research. The findings also indicate that effective interventions need a structured design, such as constructive feedback, appropriate level of complexity, and presenting the assessment rubric according to the purpose of the assessment. Further research is needed to examine the cause-and-effect of interventions with specific and constructive mechanisms to obtain empirical data related to self-assessment at various levels of education.
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