Liquid Nanoco2 with Kaigen and GEIOS Technologies with Thermal and Rheological Characterization of Graphene Oxide/Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Nanoparticle-Enhanced Liquid CO2 for District Cooling and Data Centers Applications,


  • Shad Abdelmoumen SERROUNE MSc, Head and Chief Scientist NanoGEIOS Laboratory (In collaboration with Kaigen Membrane Technologies and Aiden Digital Labs),, United States
  • Dr IR Khasan .(UGM University Gaja Madah) and Consultant for Nanotechnology with Nanogeois Technologies,, United States
  • Dr Sandra Merrier Chief Development and Equipment for Kaigen and Nanogeios, Stephane Devilliers, Scientist specializing in Microscopy and Raman Spectrography,, United States
  • Tadeshi Ryushi Scientist at Nanogeios Japan, specializing in Liquid NanoCo2 mixing and head of deployment with Shad Abdelmoumen SERROUNE of the Nanofusion Device with GEIOS Technologies, United States
Vol. 13 No. 03 (2025)
Engineering and Computer Science
March 10, 2025


This study presents a comprehensive thermal and rheological characterization of a novel hybrid nanofluid consisting of liquid carbon dioxide (CO₂) enhanced with graphene oxide (GO) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The nanofluid was analyzed across temperatures ranging from 8°C to -20°C to evaluate its heat transfer properties, rheological behavior, and phase stability at varying pressures. Results indicate a significant enhancement in thermal conductivity (approximately 77% improvement over pure liquid CO₂) while maintaining favorable flow characteristics with minimal viscosity increase. Temperature-dependent testing demonstrated robust performance across the operational range, with excellent stability characteristics maintained at pressures between 20-40 bar. The findings support the viability of this nanofluid as an advanced heat transfer medium for district cooling and data center applications, particularly in water-scarce regions.