Analysis of Open Source Watermarking Softwares


June 11, 2017


A watermark is an image or text that has been applied to a piece of paper or another image, to either protect the original image or to make it harder to copy it. Digital Watermarking is the act of hiding a message related to an image within the image itself. The added information can be more or less transparent to make it either easy or hard to notice the watermark.

In virtual presence, there is a total possibility that our work gets duplicated by people who actually don’t have any contribution in it. Watermarking is also the best way to protect images from online misuses. It not only helps you to get credit from all other persons who use your images, screenshots, digital art etc. but it also helps you to establish a brand of your work.

When adding a watermark to an image or any other media, you send a clear signal that this image/media should not be copied/used without your consent. In this review paper, we study about various available open source watermark softwares and analyse them on the basis of their features and advantages