Quiet Quitting: Insights from Generation Z workers in Vietnam
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the working behaviours of employees and employers, creating a serious and widely propagated through various platforms counter-productive behaviour: quiet quitting. Notably, Generation Z, the currently main workforce, are most influenced by social media platforms and most likely to engage in this phenomenon. This study applied the Conservation of Resources Theory, Social Exchange Theory, and Theory of Generations to propose a research model and use cross-sectional data from 1,018 participants analysed through SEM to examined factors influencing Vietnamese Generation Z employees’ quiet quitting intention. The findings revealed that work-life balance, affective organizational commitment, and perceived organizational support, through the mediating effect of job burnout, significantly influenced their' intention to quiet quit, while toxic workplace environment only have a direct effect. These results offer valuable insights for both employees and organizations, helping them recognize fundamental causes and how to effectively reduce quiet quitting intentions.
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