Corporate Social Responsibility And Managerial Ownership: Their Impact On Firm Value In The Indonesian Mining Sector Through Profitability's Mediating Role
The mining industry sector contributes significantly to a country's revenue, with numerous mining companies operating in the sector. However, the large number of mining companies poses a risk to the surrounding natural environment. Companies that prioritize environmental responsibility can improve their public image, which ultimately affects the company's value. This study aims to analyze the role of profitability in mediating the relationship between corporate social responsibility and managerial ownership on firm value. The study sample includes 10 mining companies listed on the IDX for a period of 5 years (2015-2019), with a total of 50 financial statements. Using purposive sampling and path analysis, this study concludes that corporate social responsibility has a positive and insignificant effect on profitability; managerial ownership has a significant positive effect on profitability; corporate social responsibility has a significant positive effect on firm value; managerial ownership has a positive but insignificant effect on firm value; profitability has a significant positive effect on firm value; corporate social responsibility mediated the relationship between profitability and firm value, with a significant positive effect; and managerial ownership mediated the relationship between profitability and firm value, with a positive but insignificant effect.
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