A Technical Review On Hyperthermia


  • D.Kaarthika1, Saranya.D2 1 8 th sem, Department of Biotechnology, Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bengaluru-57. 2Assistant professor, Department of Biotechnology, Sapthagiri College of Engineering (Affiliated to VTU), Bengaluru-57, India
June 5, 2015


Hyperthermia has promising strategy to enhance apoptosis .The fundamental idea and the effects of heat on
cancer cells are well known. However, the results obtained in therapy by hyperthermia (HT) alone have been
only partially satisfactory. Treatment at temperatures between 40 and 44 °C is cytotoxic for cells in an
environment with a low oxygen partial pressure and low pH, conditions that are found specifically within
tumour tissues, due to insufficient blood perfusion. Under such conditions radiotherapy is less effective, and
systemically applied cytotoxic agents will reach such areas in lower concentration than in well-per fused
areas. Therefore, clinically it is preferred to use hyperthermia in combination with radiation therapy and
chemotherapy. Hyperthermia can be applied by several methods: local hyperthermia by external or internal
energy sources; regional hyperthermia by perfusion of organs or limbs or by irrigation of body cavities; and
whole body hyperthermia. Which can be implemented by many heating methods, such as microwave,
radiofrequency, laser and ultrasound. Number of studies have reported the combination of thermoradiotherapy.
Fortunately, phase II, III clinical trials have demonstrated that hyperthermia combination
therapy is beneficial for local tumour control and survival in patients with high-risk tumours of different
types. Consequently, much attention has been focussed on identifying agents among the conventional
chemotherapeutics substances that can sensitise tumour cells to hyperthermia-induced damage with minimal
effects on normal cells. In the review, we overviewed important mechanism of hyperthermia-induced
apoptosis and the substance which can act as heat sensitizers’ in cancer therapy.
KEYWORDS: Hyperthermia, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, microwave,