Present Status of Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centers Scheme in India: An Analysis


December 25, 2017


Agriclinics and agribusiness centres scheme is a subsidy based credit linked scheme for setting up
agriventure by agricultural graduates launched by government of India towards strengthen technology
transfer, public extension system and employment generation in rural areas. The study paper focused on the
origin, objective, and progress of Agriclinics and Agribusiness centres scheme in India after completion of
more than one decade time from its inception. It is an attempt to assess the performance of Agriclinics and
agribusiness centres scheme on the basis of states wise progress, training institutes wise progress and
project wise progress. The present study is based on the secondary data collected from various journals,
research articles and websites. In the analysis of data, it was found that southern states (Maharashtra,
Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka) have good and encouraging progress of ACABCs scheme
comparison then north eastern states which have poor performance in the establishment of agriventure and
other aspects. The government need to special focus on the north eastern states of the country to meet the
objectives of the agriclinics and agribusiness centres scheme