Micronutrients Level In Control And Malnourished Children


  • Dr. Ravinder K. Arora*, Dr Anju Jha** *Associate Professor, Department of biochemistry, B.M.C, Sagar ** PG Scholar, Department of Physiology, LNMC & RC, Bhopal, MP. Corresponding author- Dr. Ravinder K. Arora, Associate Professor, Bundelkhand Medical College, Sagar, MP. E-mail- rk_arora51@yahoo.com, India
December 25, 2017


Vitamins are called micronutrients as they are needed in miniscule amount. As tiny as the amounts are,
the consequences of their absence are severe. The current study was done to assess the levels of vitamins
(A and E) in children suffering from P.E.M. and compared with apparently healthy children. There was a
significant decrease in the levels of vitamins in P.E.M. children as compared to control (p<0.05).
Key Words – PEM, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Antioxidants, Micronutrients.