An Efficient Implementation Of MIMO OFDM Transceiver on FPGA


  • Pranali Langde1 , Nilesh Mohota2 1Department Of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, J D College Of Engineering and Management, Nagpur 2Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, J D College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, India
June 25, 2015


Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a popular method for high data rate wireless transmission. MIMO OFDM
has many promising features which allow wireless devices to communicate at a higher data rate with reduced errors and hardware
complexity. This paper describes a design and implementation of a baseband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
transceiver utilizing Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) signal processing for increased data rate. Orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (OFDM) has become a popular technique for transmission of signals over wireless channels. OFDM may be viewed as using
many slowly-modulated narrowband signals rather than one rapidly-modulated wideband signal. This work describes how implement an
OFDM modem on FPGA using VHDL for a 31 subcarrier (channels) OFDM system using 64 points radix-4 FFT time decimation, a
CORDIC implementation to perform the butterfly calculus, and each channel modulation will use a 4-QAM constellation. The system is
divided in a transmission section and a reception section