Study of event management from entrepreneur’s perspective


December 25, 2017


As the event management industry grows and consolidates worldwide, associations play an increasingly significant role in professional support to the industry by ensuring the continued growth and success of event management professionals. Although there are many events, which are successfully crewed by volunteers, the increasing competition to secure major events is giving some impetus to the trend to create fully professionalized events. This paper to brief you about the event management industries and to identify professional associations worldwide involved with event management. While this list is not exhaustive, it provides a very strong sample of event management associations. Rather than use or adapt an existing framework for analysis, this study applies a grounded approach to the analysis of the content of the goals and objectives. The study concludes that event management associations have a strong record in developing goals and objectives as part of their operational framework. The key variables that emerged are: information exchange, education and training, identity and recognition, ethics and standards, networks and collegiality, business management, membership, premier representative association, product development and being a change agent