Physicochemical Properties of Soil Contaminated With Refined Petroleum Oil In Eluama Community, Abia State, Nigeria


November 1, 2013


The physicochemical properties of soil polluted with refined petroleum was carried out
between January and May, 2012, in Eluama community polluted with refined petroleum
was carried out between January and May, 2012, in Eluama community, Abia State ,
Nigeria. The aim of this study is to examine the long-term kinetics of refined petroleum oil
contaminated soil and to assess the extent of remediation with respect to length of time
with the spill (11 years of spill). The soil physicochemical properties were evaluated using
different analytical methods. Soil collected from unpolluted farmland was used as control.
The results revealed that organic carbon, organic matter, calcium and magnesium
increased with increase in pollution while nitrogen, potassium, sodium and phosphorus
decreased with increase in pollution. The pH became more basic as pollution decreases. In
addition, concentration of heavy metals increased as soil increases with pollution. This
result reveals that the polluted soil when compared with the control (soil from unpolluted
farmland) is unsuitable for agricultural activities as full remediation has not taken place
except remediation can be hastened.