Implementation of Data Acquisition System with a Free Cooling Unit (FCU) Controller For a BTS


November 14, 2013


— The scarcity of electricity causing serious dislocation in all spheres of life, including production
in agricultue and industries as well as in the section of cellular communication. To reduce the wastage of
electricity in BTS room now-a-days celluler operators are using different ventilation systems instead of Air
Conditioner (AC). Recently many operators like Banglalink, a leading telecom operator in Bangladesh are
interested to interface a data acquisition system with these ventilation systems in BTS rooms.So in this
paper a modern ventilation system FCU is designed interfacing with a Micro SD card for data acquisition
especially for Banglalink BTS. FCU is an electronic instrument that records the temperature data and takes
decision according to that data. This research work deals with the PIC18F4520 which includes 10 bit ADC
for data conditioning and 32K bytes of program memory which provides the advantage of interfacing a
FAT-16 system with microprocessor. In display section 4X20 LCD display is used for user interaction