Impact of Public Expenditure on Economic Growth in Nigeria


November 8, 2015


This study investigated the impact of public expenditure on the Nigerian economy. This was done by utilising economic data available in statistical tables. The data used for this study are GDP, and public expenditure variables like education expenditure, health expenditure, agricultural expenditure and transport and communication expenditure.GDP was the dependent variable while all other variables representing public expenditure were included in the independent variables. In order to accomplish the set out objectives of this study, two research hypotheses (Ho1 - Ho4) were formulated which were tested via a number of analytical techniques. These are the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) Unit Root Test and the ordinary least squares regression test. These tests were carried out with the aid of e-views statistical software package. Based on the results gotten, the null forms of all the hypotheses were rejected while the alternate forms were accepted. The results revealed that public expenditure had a significant effect on the Nigerian economy. The study ended by giving recommendations considered very useful