Email System for Disabled


  • Swati Arora , Meenu , Sushil Malik 1Research Scholar, Department of Electronics and communication engineering, Applied College of Engineering and management, Palwal, Haryana, India, India
December 2, 2017


Email System for Disabled is an application for the disabled people. The disabled people particularly mean the handicapped or
the blind people who cannot type on the keyboard. This application is aimed at helping such people to compose and retrieve their emails by
themselves. Voice operatability has been implemented to achieve this objective. The Disabled speaker will verbally speak the message to
be composed and then the message will be converted to text and will be embedded in the body of the e-mail. Thus, Voice-to-text
technique can help a disabled student to type his e-mail on his own. The sent mail will be retrieved and all the unread messages will be read
for the Disabled user. The text-to-voice technique is being used here.