To evaluate the introduction of a focussed assessment with sonography in trauma (FAST) scan into the early assessment of trauma patients.
Objectives: To evaluate the introduction of a focussed assessment with sonography in trauma (FAST) scan into the early assessment of trauma patients.
Methods: The setting was multispeciality hospital and critical care centre. All patients aged 16 or over admitted with blunt trauma requiring fluid resuscitation for hypovolemic shock in a prospective observational study. Patients had a FAST scan performed at the end of the primary survey. Results were compared to results of other investigations, laprotomy, and postmortem examination.
Results: 50 patients were entered into the study. The sensitivity of FAST scan was 66.66% and specificity was 95%.
Conclusion: FAST is highly specific “rule in” technique and is useful in the initial assessment of trauma patients. Emergency physicians can perform FAST after a brief training period